Sunday, November 7, 2010


          The Creator loves the creation: both the act and the product.  Why else would He create?  We are told that he has created “worlds without number”.  That is not something someone does out of duty.  Creating this world is quite enough to impress me.  When I have created something I am sometimes tired of the project, and sometimes aware of how it could have been better.  But it is still my creation and I love it in a certain way. 

          Gods love for His creation is mysterious to most of us.  So much of the creation appears to have no human purpose.  The beautifully colored beetle and the lilies of the field are loved by God yet serve no particular purpose to mankind.  Yet they are part of the pattern of which we are a part.  They are part of the whole that sustains us.  We share a common parentage in creation. 

          Humans have made some strides towards understanding the patterns of creation that binds the earth together, though it is doubtful that we will ever understand it completely.   We have found many ways to use parts of the creation in practical ways.   We may respect and preserve the creation.  But we cannot control it.  There is always the wedding of the mysterious and the practical, the Heavenly and the earthly.

          Humans are generally interested in the practical, the physical acts that we practice.  We often separate abstractions into a separate area.  Freedom may be a political, theological, or physical concept.  But it is not an abstraction, it must be lived.  Love of our fellow man, which the Bible sometimes calls charity, may be a theological or philosophical concept.  But it must be practiced.  And so it requires a certain skill. 

          One cannot be free if they cannot earn their own living.  One cannot love one’s neighbor if they cannot keep their trash out of their yard, their poison out of their water, or care for themselves so they are not a burden.  If one has not learned to play the piano, they are not free to play the piano for a Church service.  If one cannot produce something and have nothing to offer, you cannot help your community.

          The good man is not the man who committed no crime.  Doing good is not the same as doing nothing.  Doing good is the ability to do something well.  In order to do good you have to know how to do something.  Doing good is not just about the Heavenly, but also includes the practical.  It is learning and practicing these practical skills that we become Heavenly.


  1. I like your post. I have been thinking how uncreative I am lately, but I realize that I need to learn to be more creative if I want to be more like the Creator.

  2. I was just thinking the other day about how I need to learn to create more. I am not a very creative person and I think that is something I better learn to do more of if I want to be more like the Creator. I like the comment - thanks.

  3. I was just thinking the other day about how I need to learn to create more. I am not a very creative person and I think that is something I better learn to do more of if I want to be more like the Creator. I like the comment - thanks.
