Monday, April 2, 2012


          Before there were humans there was a wild ass and lilies.  Before there were humans there were cockroaches and daffodils.  Before there were humans there were fishes of the sea, fowls of the air, and grasses and herbs of every kind.  Of this the scientists and theologians all agree.  The sequence of Genesis is very much the sequence proposed by scientists for the creation of life.

          It is commonly thought that humans were created last because we were the epitome of his creation.  But what if we are an afterthought?  Does God love his other creations equally? 

          I believe that God loves his other creations in a way that does not necessarily conform to human purposes.  We are concerned with the usefulness of the tree and are confused by what good a mosquito could be for.  God took great pains and time to create beauty, grace, color, seasons, and motion in an infinite variety.  He used patterns that include us, but existed before us.  Did he create it all for us?  Or did He create it all for his own pleasure and delight in creation, and we are allowed to share in it? 

          In fact, we are even asked to exercise dominion over it.  What does dominion mean?  One definition is, “the power of life and death.”  It seems true that we hold that power over his creation.  How sad he must feel at times as he sees the death and destruction of his creations, not for our use, or for further creation, but for senseless greed and waste. 

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