Saturday, May 12, 2012


          Don’t think I don’t see the irony of this post about farming, work, being close to the land etc. 

          I’m leaving on vacation in a couple of days so there will be no new posts for at least two weeks.  Lest you think I am indulgent, this will be the first two week vacation I have ever taken in 67 years.  See ya in a couple of weeks.  

          How many of these things do Americans believe anymore?

You reap what you sow
Everything has its season.
Time is cyclical: spring, summer, fall, winter. 
When we try to do what we do matters.
You get another chance next year, if you can wait that long. 
Behavior must be appropriate to the time.
You cannot harvest (eat) unless you plant (work).
People are not in control. 
Sunshine and rain fall upon all men.
There is always more to do.
You have to work every day.
You cannot manage the land or animals.  You can only nurture.
If you cannot feed yourself, you cannot be free.
Work is the process by which dreams become realities.
Good fences make good neighbors.
Fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Dirt is not a four letter word.
Nature is interdependent. You can’t change one thing without changing everything. 
Flowers have to have bees.  Bees have to have flowers. 
Everything has its place and there is a place for everything.
You can’t plow a straight furrow if you look back.
In the morning sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand.
If you worry about the wind you will never plant. 
If you worry about the clouds you will never reap.
Big things come in small packages, called seeds.
You have to wait for things to grow.  Patience.
You don’t have to understand what happens in a seed to plant it. 
Where you plant makes a lot of difference.
Planting is not the beginning.  Planting begins with preparation.
Plant a diversity of crops.  You cannot know what misfortune may occur.

1 comment:

  1. When you come to visit... remind me to let you listen to John Bytheway's newest talk CD, "Farm Wisdom for City Folk." It talks about this post! :-)
